The Charles S. Gotsch Endowment Fund
Scholarships: The Helen Levinthal Lyons Memorial Scholarship â
€¢ The Herman Lopata Memorial Scholarship • The Robert
DeLigter Memorial Scholarship; The Pauline Flippin Memorial
Scholarship; The Marylynn Pierce Memorial Scholarship; The
Vendela L. DeMarco Memorial Scholarship.
In Memory Of: Betty & David Adenbaum; Scott M. Armati;
Phillip Berman; Dorothy Bishop; Muriel Bogash; Eleanor
Cameron; Patricia Campion; Mattie Causell; Robert Coll; ;John
Conlon; Harold Crocker, Sr., Leroy Dawkins; Vendela DeMarco;
Ruth Sanford Dolan; Ina & Wolofe Duberstein; Lawrence Fairhall;
Pauline Billups Flippen; Dr. Charles Forman; Jamie Friedman; Ted
Gleeson; Irving M. Gross & Peter Kardon Gross; David Evan
Hirsch; Hyman Jacobs; Adrian L. Kellard, Jr.; Cherry S. Krassner;
Philip Laptool; Joseph R. Latino; Maria Manganiello; Mrs.
Dorothy Mantel; Agnes O’Meir; Gary Ostrow; Mrs.
Pasquale; Rose Marie Pinto; Bruce M. Reich; Alex Roberts; Emily
Rohrs; Zelda Rubinstein; Rubie Saunders; Rachel Selman; Robert
Stephens; Catherine Thomas; George Tutino; Joseph M. Vaccaro,
In Honor Of: Ann Almazar; James Arles, 70th Birthday; Shani
Brown; The Campership Staff & The Children; Carol Feldman;
Jonathan Aaron Fleischmann; Martin Friedrichs , 51 ½ Birthday;
The Gerstein Kids; Aaron Glick, 14th Birthday; Yvette
Goorevitch; Caryle Gulker & Committee; Ira Gulker, Retirement;
Caryle Gulker, Birthday; Alex Horowitz, College Graduation;
Emma Levine-Her adoption; Joan & Marty Myers, 35th
Anniversary; Colin Pinals Graduation; Ann & Fred Price, 34th
Anniversary; Molly Rosenthal’s 1st Birthday; Joseph Rossi;
Valerie & Nathan Rudolph, Special Birthdays; Dr. Adrienne